1121101001011011100001100001111111111011101000000000000 This program is equiped with Cursor-Guide™. As the mouse pointer is placed on an object on the screen, information about that object will appear here automatically. SoftBackup II is copyright © 1987-1994 by D-K Research, Inc. All rights reserved. This is version 4.27. CANCEL: click on this button to leave this window without saving any changes. SPECIAL OPTIONS: click on this button to access some special options that are normally not changed very often. This is a pop up menu that can be used to choose the size tape you are using. For tape drives that only have one size of tape or automatically detect the size of tape, only a default choice will be in the menu. To the right is a pop up menu that can be used to choose the size tape you are using. For tape drives that only have one size of tape or automatically detect the size of tape, only a default choice will be in the menu. Below this are various backup media choices. Choose the type of media or floppy drive you wish to use. SELECT BACKUP DRIVE: click on this button to choose the tape drive to use if there is more than one, to set up cascading with two tape drives, or to set the backup drive (and optionally open a folder) for Volume backups. This is the folder your backups will go into in volume mode. To the right of this is the folder your backups will go into in volume mode. This is the disk your backups will go to in volume mode. To the right of this is the disk your backups will go to in volume mode. Below this is the disk and folder your backups will go to in volume mode. VOLUME: select this to use fixed hard disks, removable hard disks, read/write optical disks, or network volumes as the backup media. You must use removable empty disks to do backups that span multiple disks. RETENSION TAPE BEFORE BACKUP: select this to always retension the tape before doing a backup. Retensions are recommended if the the tape has not been used for awhile. DAT and 8mm tapes don't need it. UPPER FLOPPY: select this to use your upper floppy drive. A special format is used to squeeze extra data on each floppy and to speed up backups. It is normal for the Finder to think the floppies are not Macintosh disks. TAPE OR WORM: select this to use DC2000, TEAC tape, DC600, DAT, 8mm tape, or WORM as the backup media. Click on Select Backup Drive to choose which tape or WORM drive to use if there is more than one. LEFT/EXTERNAL FLOPPY: select this to use your left or external floppy drive. A special format is used to squeeze extra data on each floppy and to speed up backups. It is normal for the Finder to think the floppies are not Macintosh disks. RIGHT/LOWER/INTERNAL FLOPPY: select this to use your right, lower, or internal floppy drive. A special format is used to squeeze extra data on each floppy and to speed up backups. It is normal for the Finder to think the floppies are not Macintosh disks. The items below this are for setting up how errors are handled. The items below this are for setting up how the media is prepared for backup and restore. ALLOW MULTIPLE SETS PER TAPE: select this to allow multiple backup sets on one tape. If this is not selected, only one backup per tape will be allowed (we recommend only one backup per tape if possible). HELP: click on this button to get information about the Media Options window. RETENSION TAPE BEFORE RESTORE: select this to always retension the tape before doing a restore. Retensions are recommended if the the tape has not been used for awhile. DAT and 8mm tapes don't need it. ERASE/FORMAT BEFORE BACKUP: select this to always erase the tape before each backup. This is useful for DC2000 tapes. Other kinds of tape don't need it. This is recommended for floppies. WORM disks can't be erased. This is the Media Options window for setting up the backup drive and other preferences. OK: click on this button to save your configuration.